The replenishment lead time represents the total period of time which is required to procure or manufacture an item. The replenishment lead time is mainly used by the availability check to calculate the material availability date. In order to enable the calculation of the replenishment lead time for availability check, the field 'Check without RLT' (V_441V-OWBZP) in the scope of check (transaction OVZ9) must be empty.
RLT calculation is performed in form END_OF_RLT_CALCULATE which is called from function module AVAILABILITY_CHECK / form AVAILABILITY_CHECK_R3.
Key variables:
S_MTWZT = In-house production time
S_WEBAZ = GR processing time
P_ATPMATX-PLIFZ = Planned delivery time
P_ATPMATX-WZEIT = Total replenishment lead time
P_ATPPLANTX-BZTEK = Purchasing processing time
S_FKDAY = Factory calendar day
S_GKDAY = Gregorian calendar day
1 - Calculation of the Replenishment Lead Time in case of externally procured materials ==> Material Master, MRP 2 view, Procurement type (field BESKZ) = F:
For externally procured materials, the replenishment lead time gets calculated based on:
- the purchasing processing time (transaction OPPQ, Material Planning Run section, External Procurement button, field BZTEK)
- the planned delivery time (transaction MM02, MRP 2 view, field PLIFZ OR transaction ME12, 1 view, field APLFZ)
- the GR processing time (transaction MM02, MRP 2 view, field WEBAZ).
In case of the purchasing processing time, the system considers factory calendar days, a.k.a working days of the plant.
In case of the planned delivery time, the system considers standard calendar days.
In case of the GR processing time, again the system considers factory calendar days (working days of the plant).
The sequence of RLT calculation is:
- 1st = purchasing processing time
- 2nd = planned delivery time
- 3rd = GR processing time.
Actual date = 09.03.2015 (Monday)
Requested delivery date = 09.03.2015 (Monday)
Available quantity = 0 PCs
Requested quantity = 10 PCs
Purchasing processing time = 2 days
Planned delivery time = 5 days
GR processing time = 3 days
Since the requested quantity is not available for the required delivery date, the system calculates the RLT as follows:
09.03.2015 (Monday) - Requested delivery date
10.03.2015 (Tuesday) - Purchasing processing time | DAY 1
11.03.2015 (Wednesday) - Purchasing processing time | DAY 2
12.03.2015 (Thursday) - Planned delivery time | DAY 1
13.03.2015 (Friday) - Planned delivery time | DAY 2
14.03.2015 (Saturday) - Planned delivery time | DAY 3
15.03.2015 (Sunday) - Planned delivery time | DAY 4
16.03.2015 (Monday) - Planned delivery time | DAY 5
17.03.2015 (Tuesday) - GR processing time | DAY 1
18.03.2015 (Wednesday) - GR processing time | DAY 2
19.03.2015 (Thursday) - GR processing time | DAY 3
Based on the above described calculation the end of replenishment lead time will be 19.03.2015.
Actual date = 09.03.2015 (Monday)
Requested delivery date = 09.03.2015 (Monday)
Available quantity = 0 PCs
Requested quantity = 10 PCs
Purchasing processing time = 2 days
Planned delivery time = 3 days
GR processing time = 3 days
Since the requested quantity is not available for the required delivery date, the system calculates the RLT as follows:
09.03.2015 (Monday) - Requested delivery date
10.03.2015 (Tuesday) - Purchasing processing time | DAY 1
11.03.2015 (Wednesday) - Purchasing processing time | DAY 2
12.03.2015 (Thursday) - Planned delivery time | DAY 1
13.03.2015 (Friday) - Planned delivery time | DAY 2
14.03.2015 (Saturday) - Planned delivery time | DAY 3 -----> The system performs an extra check to see whether the end date of the planned delivery time is a working day at the plant. If it is not, the end date of the planned delivery time will be moved to the next possible working day.
16.03.2015 (Monday) - Planned delivery time | DAY 3
17.03.2015 (Tuesday) - GR processing time | DAY 1
18.03.2015 (Wednesday) - GR processing time | DAY 2
19.03.2015 (Thursday) - GR processing time | DAY 3
Based on the above described calculation the end of replenishment lead time will be 19.03.2015.
2 - Calculation of the Replenishment Lead Time in case of internally produced materials ==> Material Master, MRP 2 view, Procurement type (field BESKZ) = E:
For internally produced materials, the replenishment lead time gets calculated based on:
- the in-house production time (transaction MM02, MRP 2 view, field DZEIT)
- the GR processing time (transaction MM02, MRP 2 view, field WEBAZ)
- OR the total replenishment lead time (transaction MM02, MRP 2 view, field WZEIT).
In case of all the above mentioned figures, the system considers factory calendar days, a.k.a working days of the plant. If the total replenishment lead time (field WZEIT) is maintained, and the in-house production time (field DZEIT) or the GR processing time (field WEBAZ) are also maintained, the system will only take the total replenishment lead time into consideration.
The sequence of RLT calculation (if the total replenishment lead time is not maintained) is:
- 1st = in-house production time
- 2nd = GR processing time.
Actual date = 09.03.2015 (Monday)
Requested delivery date = 09.03.2015 (Monday)
Available quantity = 0 PCs
Requested quantity = 10 PCs
In-house production time = 3 days
GR processing time = 2 days
Total replenishment lead time = 0 days
Since the requested quantity is not available for the required delivery date, the system calculates the RLT as follows:
09.03.2015 (Monday) - Requested delivery date
10.03.2015 (Tuesday) - In-house production time | DAY 1
11.03.2015 (Wednesday) - In-house production time | DAY 2
12.03.2015 (Thursday) - In-house production time | DAY 3
13.03.2015 (Friday) - GR processing time | DAY 1
16.03.2015 (Monday) - GR processing time | DAY 2
Based on the above described calculation the end of replenishment lead time will be 16.03.2015.
Actual date = 09.03.2015 (Monday)
Requested delivery date = 09.03.2015 (Monday)
Available quantity = 0 PCs
Requested quantity = 10 PCs
In-house production time = 3 days
GR processing time = 2 days
Total replenishment lead time = 8 days
Since the requested quantity is not available for the required delivery date, the system calculates the RLT as follows:
09.03.2015 (Monday) - Requested delivery date
10.03.2015 (Tuesday) - Total replenishment lead time | DAY 1
11.03.2015 (Wednesday) - Total replenishment lead time | DAY 2
12.03.2015 (Thursday) - Total replenishment lead time | DAY 3
13.03.2015 (Friday) - Total replenishment lead time | DAY 4
16.03.2015 (Monday) - Total replenishment lead time | DAY 5
17.03.2015 (Tuesday) - Total replenishment lead time | DAY 6
18.03.2015 (Wednesday) - Total replenishment lead time | DAY 7
19.03.2015 (Thursday) - Total replenishment lead time | DAY 8
Since the total replenishment lead time field is maintained, the system will not take the in-house production time and the GR processing time into consideration, so the end of the replenishment lead time will be 19.03.2015.
3 - Calculation of the Replenishment Lead Time in case of materials maintained for both procurement types ==> Material Master, MRP 2 view, Procurement type (field BESKZ) = X:
If a material is maintained for both procurement types, during RLT calculation the system will consider it as a material, which is internally procured. This means that the purchasing processing time and the planned delivery time will not be taken into consideration, not even if these are the only RLT relevant fields maintained.