Dear All,
Blog is just to explain how we have implemented Discount and Free goods on Customer Group with Pricing Condition
Business Scenario
This was one of our client requirements who are into FMCG business and company wanted to give Discount and Free Goods on following Levels
A.Group 1 ASM Area Sales Manager one who handling entire State-State Level -Customer Group 1
B.Group 2 TSM Territory Sales Manager one who Handling 2 or 3 district- Multiple Districts/zone Level-Customer Group 2
C.Group 3 TSE Territory Sales Executive one who handles single District-District/City Level-Customer Group 3
D.Group 4 Modern Trades like Reliance fresh, Lulu, More, Big Bazaar, Spencer’s etc. - Customer Group 4
We are maintaining 3 Distribution Channels
10 Direct Channels
20 Distribution Channel
30 Modern Trade (Reliance Fresh, More,Lulu, Big Bazar etc….
Now into Requirements Let’s says
1.The company wants to give a discount to Chennai alone.
2.The company wants to give discounts in 3 Districts alone.
3.The company wants to run a sales promotion campaign for particular TSM or TSE Alone to boost his business.
4.The company wants to give Free goods on Particular TSM or TSE Alone
5.The company wants to give a discount on particular material group in ASM, TSM and TSE level.
Configuration Settings
1.Customer Group
SPRO-Sales and Distribution-Master Data-Business Partner –Customers-Maintain Reserve Fields In Customer Master
Customer Group 1 at State Level
Customer Group 2 at District(Multiple Districts/zone) Level
Customer Group 3 at District/city Level
Plz note that since Chennai is big territory so I am dividing Chennai into two i.e. Chennai 1 and Chennai 2.
Customer Group 4 Modern Trade
2.Customer Master Data
Got to customer master data under Sales area tab above menu Bar Extras click on additional Data
Fill all relevant data according to your requirements. Plz note that Customer Group is 4 not applicable, since this customer is belongs to Direct Channel in my case it is applicable only for Distribution channel 3 i.e. Modern Trade.
3. Pricing Configuration Part
Got to Pricing, pricing control Field catalog
Customer Groups fields are not added in the Field Catalog so add the field catalog
Before you create a new condition table, you should check whether the fields listed in the field catalog meet your requirements. If you require a field in pricing which is not intended for this usage in the standard system, you must enter it in the field catalog. You can only enter fields from tables KOMG, KOMK or KOMP.
If you want to use a new field in the field catalog, you must add the field to KOMP or KOMK in the following INCLUDES:
Header data in INCLUDE KOMKAZ in KOMK
The routines for assigning values to the new fields in order processing are found in member MV45AFZZ and new fields in billing are found in member RV60AFZZ. Use the following user exits:
User Exit For Discount and Free Goods
Condition Tables
Access sequence
Copied Standard Access Sequence and created new Access sequence call IFPR
Condition Types
Copied Standard Condition type and created new Condition Type call IFPR
Pricing Procedure
Creating a Discount for TSM Level in VK 11
We have different Material Group, for Example PK-Lime Pickle, SP-Chilli Powder, and WS-Kashmiri chilli so we can give discount on Particular group alone for ASM, TSM and TSE level
Plz Map your customer according to your ASM, TSM and TSE located in different State, Zone and District.
4. Free Goods Configuration
Business Scenario
- The company wants to give Free goods on Particular ASM, TSM, TSE Zone and District level Alone
Condition Table Group 1
Access Sequence
Condition Table
Creating Free Goods records in VBN1
I am Nothing in this SAP Ocean just learning day by day , so please share your ideas and suggestions with me.Thanks in Advance.